Shakira Weight Loss

 Shakira in her newest video, "Loca", has obviously lost weight!

She looks considerably thinner compared to previous pics! Her torso looks positively elongated, her face looks thinner and her hips are less curvy than they used to be.

Shakira revealed that in order to lose weight for her videos, she diets intensively and literally cries of cravings:

    "I needed a whole month to get back into shape. I danced, worked out and had to stick to a strict diet – only fish, spinach and a specially-prepared dessert with tofu. For the first time in my life I was dreaming of chocolate and cake and always woke up with tears in my eyes" Shakira stated.

It has to be mentioned that in the video titled "She Wolf", Shakira is locked up in a cage and wears different show-all leotards and body suits. She told Ok! Magazine she had to really work hard on her fitness training exercise program to prepare for the video.

Actually, her weight loss diet plan is simple. She just keep the unhealthy fats and carbs to a minimum. But for one day a week, she can have a cheat day from her weight loss diet plan, all these foods are allowed and she can enjoy all these unhealthy foods. Also, her weight loss diet plan is focused on lean protein sources such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Check out Shakira’s weight loss diet plan below:

Breakfast Diet Plan:
• 1 glass of grapefruit or orange juice
• 1 slice of melon or pineapple
• 1 slice whole grain toast with low-fat cheese
• Coffee or tea with a little nonfat milk

Midmorning Diet Plan:
• 1 apple or 2 kiwifruit or 1 peach with a medium diet yogurt.
Lunch Diet Plan:
• Tomato and boiled spinach salad.
• Filet of tongue with half-tablespoon olive oil or
• 1 lean grilled beefsteak or
• 1 serving pumpkin pudding or
• 1 plate spaghetti with vegetables.
• 1 cup fruit salad or 1 cup fruit compote.

Midafternoon Diet Plan:
• 1 nonfat yogurt or
• 1 glass tomato juice or
• 1 slice whole grain toast with white nonfat cheese.

Dinner Diet Plan:
• Vegetable soup
• Lentils with tomato and broccoli.
• 2 slices whole grain bread
• 1 peach or
• 1 apple or
• 1 serving diet gelatin with fruit or
• 1 fruit salad

• She doesn’t drink alcohol or (caffeinated) coffee.
• She dies for junk food, but tries to avoid it.
• She never ever stays up late, except for work.
• She doesn’t eat sweets (Loves Chocolate, but tries to avoid it).
• She doesn’t smoke or think about smoking.

Do you want to know Shakira's weakness??

Shakira actually has one weakness, one that she just can’t give up from her weight loss diet plan: chocolate. She refers to herself as a chocolate addict and since she won’t avoid chocolate, nor the sugar she has to do her fitness training exercise program twice as hard.

And after trying several weight loss diet plan alterations Shakira found out that absurd weight loss diet plan restrictions would not be maintained long-term.  She claims to eat in a balanced diet plan—never over-eating or starving herself to lose weight.  She admits she’s not too good about regularly keeping up with her fitness exercise program with her physical fitness trainer when she’s not actively promoting new material.  Shakira recommends discovering ways to do your fitness exercise program that don’t seem like a fitness exercise whenever and wherever you are, like say, for example, dancing!

Exercise Program

To get that amazing midsection, Shakira has been doing her fitness training exercise program with celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson.  A typical fitness exercise program for Shakira (6 days a week) consists of 60 minutes of strength fitness straining exercises and then 40 minutes of cardio exercise through dance with new fitness exercise programs every 10 days.

In addition, Shakira includes a lot of belly dancing in her dance fitness exercise program routine, which apparently helps her maintain those breathtaking abs. Just to mention that lots of celebrities have been using belly dancing as a fitness exercise program to lose weight and stay in shape.

About her fitness exercise program, Shakira confessed:

"Fitness training exercise via dancing many hours a day," she added of her fitness exercise program routine. "I love dance aerobics fitness exercise and abdominal fitness exercises."

Many people haven't yet realised the dancing as a sport and as an effective fitness exercise program but the truth is if you spend a lot of time dancing, it definitely will help you to burn a lot of calories, so you can lose weight and achieve weight loss!

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