Whitney Houston Couldn't Forgive Her Mother For Destroying Her Lesbian Affair!

Whitney Houston hated her mother, Cissy Houston, for destroying her lesbian relationship with a woman who was the love of her life. When Whitney died in the "Beverly Hilton Hotel" she had still not forgiven her mom for stopping her from being the person she was and trying to drive her into the arms of men. Both Cissy and John Houston, Whitney’s late father, thought that if the public knew that Whitney was a lesbian, then it would damage her lucrative career.

All they cared about was commercial success and not their daughter’s happiness. Desperate to not have Whitney known as a lesbian, Cissy pushed her poor daughter into many relationship with men. The list of fellows that Whitney was forced to date includes Daryl Strawberry, Arsenio Hall, Eddie Murphy, and even Prince! Cissy never seemed to get her priorities right when it came to Whitney.

 According to "The Globe Print Edition", March 12:  "Whitney hated her mother for wrecking things with her "special friend," " discloses a pal. Author Kevin Ammons, who was the boyhood friend of Whitney’s publicist in the 90′s, Regina Brown, has an insider’s perspective of Whitney’s family life.
He says Whitney’s parents believed their daughter’s relationship with another woman would destroy her career. Ammons says that Cissy hated the woman, who Whitney has known since their school days.  Desperate to save Whitney from being known as a lesbian, Cissy pushed her into relationships with as many men as she could.

An insider states: "But by the late 1980′s with Whitney’s career blooming her close female friend was still in the picture and practically living with Whitney – sharing hotel rooms and giving her career advice. But her galpal was jealous of every guy Whitney was meeting – and it reached a head when Bobby Brown came into her life."

Ammons writes that his girlfriend Regina the publicist heard the galpal and Whitney get into a roaring argument about Brown and Whitney told her to "Go to hell!""

Ammons says the woman hauled off and slapped Whitney’s face, which was apparently witnessed by Cissy reveals the source. "Cissy yelled, "What the f*ck did you put your hands on my baby for?" Then, incredibly, Whitney’s mother slugged her in the face."

"Onlookers were said to have broken up the fight – and later Whitney was seen comforting her galpal lover who was crying hysterically, and telling the superstar, "I love you baby, I just love you so much!""

Ammons says that the woman wound up so despondent over Whitney’s growing relationship with Bobby Brown that she "even threatened suicide."

"She said all the Houstons hated her and wanted her dead because they blamed her for people thinking Whitney was gay," says the source.  "It’s an often-told story that John Houston went as far as trying to hire a hit man’ to beat her up."

So, the question is:Was Whitney driven to drug abuse in a futile attempt to deal with being forced to suppress her feelings for women? Were Whitney’s parents more concerned with money and career than their daughter’s happiness? In any case it is pretty clear that Whitney was a desperately unhappy woman who spent most of her time suppressing her own feelings.

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