Lindsay Lohan Drug Abuse

Lindsay Lohan confessed the extent of her drug abuse, revealing that she came close to committing suicide through a heady mix of alcohol and cocaine.

Lindsay, who was jailed after being caught with cocaine, revealed she hit rock bottom and risked blowing her entire career via drug abuse.

She admitted that her problems got worse when her father Michael, a former drug addict who beat up her mother Dina, started talking about his daughter to the press in 2007. 

"When my father was going public, that's when I hit rock bottom," Lohan told The Sun: " I abused substances too much and it wasn’t the answer to my problems. People need to know that. I tried to mask my problems with alcohol, cocaine and mind-altering substances. I ran myself down and lost track of who I was. Now I’m in a place where I don’t need to use anything and I can feel emotions because I choose to… I was only aware of cocaine because of my dad."
Referring to her May 2007 arrest for DUI (driving under the influence) and possession of cocaine, Lohan stated: "I just thank God everyone was okay. But it was scary. I had three drinks, at most. I've been stupid and childish and I wasn't thinking."

It has to be mentioned that Lindsay was ordered to attend alcohol education classes and insists she is now clean of her addictions.

"I've made some dreadful mistakes but learned from them - that has probably saved my life," she admitted.

"Mind-altering drugs are so dangerous. I'm allowed to drink now but I know my limits. Partying so hard isn't worth it" Lindsay added.

That was in 2007...But in 2011 Lindsay has made a shocking appearance on the red carpet with her two front teeth particularly damaged ...Is it normal or is it a sign of drug abuse?

 According to Dr. Pankaj Singh, of Arch Dental Associates in New York City, who has not treated Lohan: "This type of damage appears to be from a combination of smoking, drug use and a lack of personal care."

"Smoking causes yellowing of the teeth, which we definitely see here in this picture. However, at such a young age, smoking wouldn’t cause the decay and browning you see around the gums. Damage like that is something we see in patients who are using or have used drugs" Dr. Singh continues.

 Addiction specialist Dr. Eric Braverman, author of "The Edge Effect," told Pop Tarts how smoking drugs can affect your teeth.

"Crystal Meth and Crack can damage your teeth," Braverman, who does not treat Lindsay Lohan, claimed. "Meth and crack damage teeth as well as make them brown. In addition, these drugs blow out the brain system using up all the happiness hormone, dopamine."

Dr. Sack, CEO of Promises Treatment Centers, who does not treat Lohan, agreed that dental decay is one of the signs of such drug use.

"Crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamines potently constrict the blood supply in the gums," he told. "This causes characteristic changes in the teeth in many individuals who are habitual users as a direct result of their drug use."

Dr. Gayle Randall, who works at Passages Malibu drug and alcohol treatment center, concurred, saying "tooth decay and periodontal disease are often associated with drug and substance abuse, particularly with crack which is smoked through pieces of Brillo which has other toxins in it that are harmful to the teeth.  Any drug, including crystal meth, that is smoked can harm the teeth and erode enamel."

But what's Lindsay's response towards the condition of her teeth?

"If you’re talking about prescription medication it would affect all your teeth, not just your two front teeth," Lohan told in the interview.
And what's her father's opinion about her teeth condition ? Is it a sign of drug abuse?

"That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack," Michael Lohan opened up in a televised interview. "She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it."

It has to be mentioned that Lindsay has been in rehab six times for treatment of her drug and alcohol abuse, and was released in January from her court appointed stint in the Betty Ford Center.

But apart from Lindsay being in rehab multiple times what her close friends think of Lindsay's drug abuse problems? Have been treated or not?

Friends of the troubled starlet told they would like to see her enter rehab again "to treat her substance abuse problems once and for all."

 The internet was litterally buzzing when in 2010 Lindsay Lohan has been caught on camera apparently injecting what appears to be heroin into her arm.

Lindsay Lohan  was photographed wrapping what looks like a tourniquet around her arm before using a syringe to "inject herself" with a substance into her left arm.

The photographs come just hours after Lohan was released from jail after just 14 hours behind bars following the posting of £190,000 bail.

A source told the newspaper: "These images of her with the syringe are terrifying. What no one knows for certain is just how often Lindsay does drugs - or exactly which drugs she does.
Lindsay has made no secret of her drug addiction. People are used to seeing her off her head."

Lindsay was brought in 2007 before a judge  after failing two drug tests . One was for cocaine and the other was for  Adderall - a drug taken for ADHD.

After failing her drugs test, Lohan wrote on her Twitter page: "Substance abuse is a disease which doesn't go away overnight.I did fail my recent drug test. I am prepared to face the consequences."

A Los Angeles judge overturned a ruling to deny Lohan bail and send her into custody at a Lynwood, California, jail.

"An order has been signed by Judge Patricia Schnegg granting writ of habeas corpus," court spokesman Allan Parachini stated.
Bail has been set at $300,000."

Within hours the bail had been posted and Lohan walked free.

Judge Schnegg ruled, however, that Lohan must be fitted with a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring device.

She has also been ordered to keep away from shops that primarily sell alcohol.The judge will then decide whether she formally violated her probation by failing the drugs test.

It has also been claimed Lohan is planning to voluntarily check back into rehab, despite relapsing just weeks after being released from her court-ordered stay in Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Centre.

A source told "She will step up her treatment and do more than what she was previously ordered to do."

Lindsay previously spoke about her time in rehab, describing it as a "vacation".

In an interview with America's OK! magazine, Lohan explained: "Well, the second two times I went into rehab, to be honest with you, I had to go because it was a court thing. It was an obligation. I had to do it to stay out of getting any jail time. And I took responsibility for that. And it was like a vacation. But it was a positive experience. When I was there it was like, there’s a lot of people that I know who should really be here now, not for drugs or alcohol abuse - just to learn about life. The world is nuts."

ED Mary Rieser of Narconon of Georgia stated, "It is unfortunate to see anyone with a bright future be so affected by substance abuse.  When it is a celebrity, the bad effects ripple out to the public and the message seems to be "If you’re rich and famous, you are likely to become addicted and if you want help there is none because even the expensive rehabs don’t work."

Lindsay Lohan recently appeared in public flashing seemingly decayed, yellow teeth. Now her estranged father Michael Lohan says its a result of her doing illegal drugs."

"Lindsay Lohan for a number of years has been untouchable for major studios and brands as she just has been completely irresponsible. From drugs to DUIs to temper tantrums, she's too much of a risk for big companies to associate with, but she's now worth a gamble for some smaller companies simply because of the inherent guaranteed press bonanza she brings with he," PR expert and author of "For Immediate Release," Ronn Torossian added. "That said, she's still young enough that she may eventually be able to recover and America is a forgiving country. I wouldn't completely write her off just yet."

What do you think?
Has Lindsay Lohan battled her drug addiction problem?
Does Lindsay take her drug abuse seriously as a matter of life and death?

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